Membership Information


We welcome new enquiries for membership, either by telephone to reception, or to the Membership Secretary, or ideally, by personal visit, when staff are always delighted to answer your queries and to show you the facilities.

Those wishing to join the Club complete the application form for subsequent approval. Members pay an annual membership subscription which is to be paid prior to the start of the season. Those joining part way through a season will pay a pro rata subscription.

There are six categories of membership each with its own subscription rate:

Rink Fees

Every person bowling at DIBC, without exception, must pay a rink fee. The adult rate is reviewed on an annual basis as is the Junior rate. Visitors, accompanied by a member, who wish to play a casual game, are asked to pay a nominal green fee.

The duration of a bowling session is 2 hours.

Costs for current season

Winter + Pay as you play £100  
Winter Combined (including rink fees) £292  
Summer £70  
Junior £10  
Junior Combined (including rink fees) £125  
Social £20  

Please note "Winter Combined" conditions apply.

Payment methods

By cheque Payable To DIBC 2002 Ltd and sent with an application form to the Membership Secretary at the Club address.

By B.A.C.S. Sort code 09-01-55 Acct. No. 25025189. The account name is DIBC 2002 Ltd and is a business account. Please quote your membership number as reference and send this form only to the Membership Secretary at the club address

If required, the combined fee can be paid in instalments. Revised details will be available shortly.

Membership Secretary

Contact details:

Brian Sabey
Mobile: 07919 043179

Donyngs Indoor Bowling Club

Linkfield Lane, Redhill, RH1 1DP
01737 780303
membership enquiries

Website maintained by Take Note Publishing Ltd

© DIBC Ltd.

Affiliated to:

Donyngs Indoor Bowling Club

Linkfield Lane, Redhill, RH1 1DP
01737 780303